About us
A new educational program LINK Academy in cooperation with LINK Coworking and The Centre of Volunteering is a follow-up to the previous successful project The Social Impact Academy which aimed to increase the participation of young people in the local communities, improve their strengths and talents and offer space for their own ideas. The goal of the new LINK Academy is to support and develop the social and professional skills and abilities of high school students but also students from disadvantaged backgrounds from the Banská Bystrica region
These skills such as creativity or business thinking can help them to find a better job in the future but also to develop their personalities. Participants will acquire these skills and new knowledge in the form of ten online and/or offline workshops on various topics that are relevant in today's fast changing world.
We already participated in the organizational phase of the project and our intention is to help with the creation of an online learning platform where the participants can learn anytime and from anywhere. We will visit Banská Bystrica personally to carry out 2 workshops in cooperation with another lecturer. Both workshops will be dedicated to the topic of organizations working with students and young people and educating them and we will also share our own know-how related to those topics.
Som koordinátorka projektu Mám na starosti riadenie projektu, či ideme podľa plánu a strážim financie. :)
Ahoj, moje meno je Diana a v LINK Academy mám na starosti marketing a komunikáciu s účastníkmi projektu. Pokiaľ budeš mať akékoľvek otázky, neváhaj sa na mňa kedykoľvek obrátiť! :)
Ahoj, volám sa Silvia a v projekte sa podieľam na samotnej organizácii vzdelávacích workshopov a mám na starosti komunikáciu s lektormi.
Som z partnerskej organizácie Centrum dobrovoľníctva. V projekte mám na starosti spoluprácu s organizáciami, v ktorých budú naši účastníci a účastníčky dobrovoľníčiť.
Ulica 250
974 01, Banská Bystrica
Ulica 250
974 01, Banská Bystrica